> mailingli...@belfin.ch:
>> Hi
>> is there a way how to customize "relocated" bounces in a similar fashion
>> as described in man 5 bounce?
> There are no "relocated" bounce messages. There are "bounce",
> "delayed", "success" and "trace" messages.

Hmm... looking up man 5 relocated:
The  optional  relocated(5) table provides the information
that is used in "user has moved  to  new_location"  bounce

> The content of "relocated" error (not bounce!) messages is configurable
> with relocated_maps.

I know.
Is there a way to customize the relocated bounce message?
The thing is that some of our users complain about the the way the bounce
message is presented to the sender. At the sender's side people don't seem
to read (or understand?) the error and thus they miss the recipient's new


>       Wietse

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