On 23-Mar-2010, at 03:55, Bas Mevissen wrote:
On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 10:24 +0100, Ansgar Wiechers wrote:
On 2010-03-22 Bas Mevissen wrote:
Why catch-all? Because I often use the part before the "@" as a key to
see the origin of the e-mail when subscribing.

That's what address extension was invented for. See the respective
section of man 8 local.

I'm aware of address extension. It is a well-known trick, so the
extension is likely to be stripped off by spam senders.

One might think so, but there's no evidence to support it. Anyway, the solution is simple

u...@example.com = Rejected as spam
user+extens...@example.com = possibly excepted.

There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don t know what can
be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president.

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