On January 12, 2010 11:07:25 AM -0600 "/dev/rob0" <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
It's hard to focus on what you said when we don't know what you
said. :)

I thought it was pretty clear. :)

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:27:43AM -0500, Frank Cusack wrote:
After searching the mailing list (and the web in general) what I
can gather about multiple PTR records is that postfix is adamant
that hosts should not have multiple PTR records.

Who cares?

In other words,

Why does postfix not handle hosts with multiple PTR records correctly?
Apparently it only "honors" the first PTR record that getnameinfo()
returns to it.  Additionally this appears to be a conscious decision
and in part designed to impose postfix's sense of order on the world.

I'm not entirely sure my idea of what postfix is doing with multiple
PTR records is correct, like I said it's just what I've gathered from
recent discussion.  Since you didn't refute my first paragraph I
figure my guess is correct.


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