Chris Babcock:
> Victor Duchovni <> wrote:
> > This answers the OP's question, but perhaps one should ask why the OP
> > believes this to be a good idea?
> I can't answer for the original poster, but I run separate Postfix
> instances for each of my hosted domains. I have a low volume overall,
> which makes deliverability more volatile. One of my domains has a large
> proportion of automatically generated mail and a couple are managed for
> third parties. Running mail servers for each domain as an independent
> entity makes traffic monitoring possible and isolates the other domains
> from the potential effects of real or perceived misbehavior from the
> others.

These are excellent reasons for using separate Postfix instances;
they address the problem of domain reputation, unlike the OP's
request which appeared to be concerned with different server banners
on different IP addresses.


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