Steve Fatula a écrit :
>>> Is this a true statement. If a message is sent to postfix via smtp, in the 
>>> message headers will ALWAYS be at least one header of the form:
>>> Received: from...
>>> I believe this to be the case, which means the only messages without that 
>>> are the locally sent emails. Wouldn't that be true?
>> Yes, this is generally true.  If you're using a 
>> content_filter, it may add headers too.
> Then, this solves my problem. I don't care if there are 5 of them, if there 
> are none, and of course assuming one did not filter them out somehow, then, 
> it's local mail which is exactly what I needed to determine.

you're taking the wrong approach. it doesn't matter how many headers you
see. what matters is which ones you can trust.
but this is all managed by spamassassin. so it is unclear what you are
trying to do.

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