On 9/15/2009 7:14 PM, Steve Fatula wrote:

Your concept is b0rken. Received headers can be forged just as well as
any other header.

Not in my case. That is already accounted for. But irrelevant since that was 
not the question.

If you want to whitelist by sending MTA, why don't you just whitelist
those MTAs via a check_sender_access or check_client_access restriction?

Only affects postfix, not the requirement

I fail to see why anyone would want to do this kind of check in the
backend when it can be done most easily in the frontend.

Irrelevant, that was not the question.

To have a Received: header that looks as if the mail was submitted via SMTP, you need to submit the mail via SMTP.

As a workaround, you can edit the master.cf "pickup" entry to resubmit mail via SMTP.
# master.cf
pickup ... pickup
  -o content_filter=relay:[]:25

and doesn't SpamAssassin recognize locally-submitted mail? Surely you're not the first person wanting to whitelist local mail. It seems better to address this issue in SA rather than adding hacks to your postfix config.

  -- Noel Jones

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