> I am still unclear on this...
> Despite creating a slow transport for yahoo and verifying that the
> unix socket 'slow' exists, it seems that it's not being used. Our
> connections to yahoo are still occurring at a rate faster than
> specified here in main.cf params and there is no 'postfix-slow'
> anywhere in my maillogs. This is true for mail originating from the
> postfix host sent from CLI and for mail accepted for relay (from
> another local trusted machine) bound for yahoo.
> master.cf::
> slow     unix   -       -       n       -       1       smtp
>    -o syslog_name=postfix-slow
> main.cf::
> slow_destination_rate_delay = 120
> slow_destination_concurrency_limit = 1
> slow_destination_recipient_limit = 2
> slow_connection_cache_time_limit = 0
> slow_never_send_ehlo = yes
> slow_connect_timeout = 5

You forgot the transport table configuration. Without this,
Postfix will never use the "slow" transport.


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