Olivier wrote:
> It is working fine for most of the users, except few of them that bounce
> email every time, complaining that there is a loop in forwarding.
> I have tracked the issue down to a problem between the rewriting of
> username->firstname.lastname and having a forwarding rule that points to
> firstname.lastn...@someother.domain
> There is two places to declare a forwarding rule:
> - in Unix file $HOME/.forward
> - in LDAP attribute "mail"
> I have modified the LDAP map that do reverse rewriting
> firstname.lastname->unsername, now I have no more problem when the
> forwarding rule is defined in LDAP attribute.
> But I still have a problem when the forwarding rule is defined in Unix
> file $HOME/.forward
> I also have a problem for one and only one user that has no forwarding
> rule defined (or that I can see).
> Is there a way for me to see the various Postfix rewriting and calls to
> LDAP maps, so I can track down where it loops?

You should not need to trace rewriting and calls with verbose logging
for something like this.

What you should do was mentioned in the welcome message:
"TO REPORT A PROBLEM, please see http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README#mail";
Namely post 'postconf -n', a non-verbose transaction in question, and
results using 'postmap -q' (man postmap for details).

Mail loops occur when Postfix detects that it is talking to itself.

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