Hello, > Is there a way for me to see the various Postfix rewriting and calls to > LDAP maps, so I can track down where it loops?
Check where the rewriting is taking place (http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_REWRITING_README.html) Then just add a -v switch to a corresponding daemon in the master.cf (http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#verbose) Evgeniy On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Olivier<olivier_nic...@fastmail.fm> wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to launch my new Postfix + LDAP server. > > It is working fine for most of the users, except few of them that bounce > email every time, complaining that there is a loop in forwarding. > > I have tracked the issue down to a problem between the rewriting of > username->firstname.lastname and having a forwarding rule that points to > firstname.lastn...@someother.domain > > There is two places to declare a forwarding rule: > > - in Unix file $HOME/.forward > - in LDAP attribute "mail" > > I have modified the LDAP map that do reverse rewriting > firstname.lastname->unsername, now I have no more problem when the > forwarding rule is defined in LDAP attribute. > > But I still have a problem when the forwarding rule is defined in Unix > file $HOME/.forward > > I also have a problem for one and only one user that has no forwarding > rule defined (or that I can see). > > Is there a way for me to see the various Postfix rewriting and calls to > LDAP maps, so I can track down where it loops? > > TIA, > > Olivier > -- > Olivier > olivier_nic...@fastmail.fm > > -- > http://www.fastmail.fm - Access your email from home and the web > >