> On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 12:42 -0400, Terry Carmen wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> # /etc/postfix/deferall.regexp
>> >> /^/  DEFER Please try again during business hours
>> >>
>> You might want to do a little log exploration and see if 100% of everything
you receive after hours is spam
>> Not all mail received after hours is spam. Quite a bit is automated
(package tracking, machine status, mailing lists, bills, bank statements,
etc.) and not
>> all machines will continue to retry until morning.
> It's not a one size fits all fix, but the majority is. My view is simple,
don't expect to deliver it when we are closed. The onus being on the sender,
not the recipient.

Even if I was a local customer, the concept of "email only works when the
lights are on" would make me look somewhere else. Especially when accompanied
by a message that indicates that your mail server is actually running and
available, but has been configured to not accept mail because your front door
is locked.

In the end, you can do what you want, but I think you're using an
inappropriate and not very effective method to control spam. The spammers
don't generally care what time it is, since bandwidth and hardware cost them
almost nothing.

If you want greylisting, why not use appropriate software and a reasonable 


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