On Sat, 06 Jun 2009, Sriram Nyshadham wrote:

> Please help me understand why this happened. Postfix has been running fine
> for the past one year + without any issues and suddenly it crashed
> yesterday on one of our production servers with the following messages:
> Jun 6 10:41:52 in02 postfix/smtpd[82431]: warning: connect #1 to subsystem 
> private/rewrite: Connection refused

Are you on a Solaris box by any chance?  Seems the socket used by
trivial-rewrite is down or unresponsive, and when you restart, it is
once again available which is why the problem 'goes away'.  Just a guess.
There have been some posts about this on the mailing list before -- check

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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