On Thu, 2009-05-28 at 23:55 -0500, /dev/rob0 wrote: > On Thu May 28 2009 23:21:06 Steve wrote: > > way of the 1980's 'is the law' that leads to entirely useless, rude > > and incorrect answers. > > Replied offlist. I think this thread should stop here. Thank you. And another 'anal' response it was too calling me a 'hobbyist'. Basically told to 'agree with the guy who runs this list and project or else'.
Thanks but no Hey dude - the world is flat. Black is white, and Postfix is perfect (It's everybody else who is at fault)> Will that do for you Rob...... ? If you have something to say, share it ON list so people can get a handle on who they are dealing with and how they interact with people.