Hi list ! I run a python script which is a mail2news gateway for usenet postings. This script allows people without a proper usenet client to post to newsgroups by email client . The procedure is to write the interested newsgroups where to post to in the user part of the email address plus a date field like this: mail2news-yyyymmdd-alt.test.newsgr...@m2n.mydomain . I have a main domain name mydomain.com and i have made a subdomain m2n.mydomain.com and i have included both in a virtual_alias_domains . I have configured also the vitual_maps with a catch-all domain entry like @m2n.mydomain mail2news (user who owns the m2n python script) which is what i need for the above said user part for the mail2news gateway to work. I'm getting lots of mail bounced and 'user missing in virtual' maps and i needed some advices on ho to best implement the virtual aliases . Thanks
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