On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 15:07 -0700, brian moore wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 2009 14:37:48 -0400
> Victor Duchovni <victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> > Connection rate (rather than concurrency) limits are rather risky,
> > a site with legitimate mail to send, and a lot of senders, may not be
> > able to deliver any mail to you in the face of a load-spike.
> Or a site running qmail, sending to you with lots of recipients.
> (Qmail seems to like to open a new socket for each recipient instead
> of just doing multiple RCPT TO's.... Maybe that has been fixed, but
> I doubt it... I think they call it a feature... some of us would call
> it a feature when Anvil blocks such silliness... the case I saw here
> was someone sending 10M files to 100 recipients... 100*10M instead of
> 10M just once.)
And that kind of thing would cause the appliance concerned to crash and
burn. One of its less useful features is how it breaks apart messages to
multiple recipients to honour a quarantine system. Hence, just like
above, if you get 1 x 10m file CC's to 50 people, it breaks it apart,
turns it into 50 messages and pushes each one through amavis > clam >
spamassassin and back. This has a really serious impact and usually
crashes the unit concerned. Not a good plan methinks.