On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 03:23:07PM +0100, Steve wrote:

> The appliance I took apart had a nice rate control feature. The crux of
> it was the ability to set connection limit on a per IP basis in 30
> minutes. You could *NOT* change this time window, but could change the
> limit thus;
> 50 connections in 30 minutes, 60 connections in 30 minutes ... 200
> connections in 30 minutes etc.
> What it would do is something like this:
> Connection 51 come in, it defers with a 45x error (temp) and starts a
> new timer.

Connection rate (rather than concurrency) limits are rather risky,
a site with legitimate mail to send, and a lot of senders, may not be
able to deliver any mail to you in the face of a load-spike.

Anvil can do just this, but (especially rate rather than concurrency
controls) such controls are not recommended for fine-grained limits
close to the expected transmission rate. Rather the limits should be
very generous, intended to prevent wizards-apprentice accidents, ...

> If that IP presents another '50' connections in the new
> window of 30 minutes - say connections 51-101 - they will also be given
> 45x errors. If connection 102 falls inside this period it then starts
> giving 55x errors to that IP. It will reset when it sees nothing from
> that IP in 30 minutes.

This is really lame rate control mechanism. It fails catastrophically
when a legitimate site has a spike of email in your direction. Consider
generous connection concurrency limits, and avoid rate limits unless
they are very generous, and would NEVER be hit by a legitimate sender.


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