I was taking apart a well know anti spam appliance on the Bench today
and it has some interesting (but clearly ripped off) software inside.

I managed to find;

{own munged MTA with a queue structure just like Postfix called BSMTP}
This pushes inbound mail VIA Clam/AmavisNew/Spamassasin into the
maildrop directory of an instance of Postfix listening on 2525 for
onward delivery. In addition it appears to have another instance of
Postfix listening on port 20025 that deals with the sending of
notifications and system reports.

I have a couple of questions/observations;

This 'BSMTP' munged MTA looks to offer very little more than Postfix
save for some Rate Control/Throttling/Better logging ? From my early
explorations with Postfix, it can mostly do all of this anyway or am I
missing something? 

The real question I guess I am asking - is it possible to have three
instances of Postfix running on the same box, listening on different
ports, with separate queue directories? Actually, it would be more
accurate to ask HOW someone would implement this and what benefits it
could give in production?

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