Hello Sahil, and thanks for your reply.
As I said in the first email, I control both ends (both the sender- and
the receiver-server). But I do not control neither network-connectivity
or Internet-connectivity at either sites.
I did try turning of Window Scaling at both ends, but it did not help at
all. It still won't deliver.
I know there is a Cisco PIX at the senders side. They have already
turned of the ESMTP Fixup (or fuckup if you'd like) "feature" by an
earlier request from me, and that solved some problems. But it seems
like the damn PIX has some other "features" which fucks up some more...
Just don't know what.
Kind regards,
Sahil Tandon skrev:
On Wed, 22 Apr 2009, Jørn Odberg wrote:
Would I need to do this at the sender or the receiver? Or both ends?
Do it on your end, which is what you control.
Jørn Odberg, Bibliotek-Systemer AS, N-3271 Larvik, Norway
LPIC-1 ID#: LPI000164485
Tlf: +47 33 11 68 00
Fax: +47 33 11 68 22
j...@bibsyst.no <mailto:j...@bibsyst.no>