Benny Pedersen via Postfix-users wrote in
 |Petko Manolov via Postfix-users skrev den 2025-03-09 08:23:
 |> If a message falsely claim it originates from certain domain and then 
 |> DKIM fail,
 |> i very much don't want to receive, let alone read, this message.  
 |> Right?
 |this is still not a job for dkim to reject, if you want to reject its 
 |better done in dmarc

This hopefully changes with the iteration of DKIM.
I am still hoping for the better a bit, and that would mean that
DMARC, ARC and that Google darn= thing get iterated out.
SPF may not.  Dependent on what happens, authentication-results
headers may also vanish except for SPF, as their part could be
a natural part of the DKIM iteration.

 |where your dmarc only trust results from your dkim pass or fail results
 |its safe to reject on spf results, but not on dkim, since so many 
 |maillist breaks dkim sadly

This is to be addressed by the DKIM iteration.
(But likely not completely automatically, since how could it.)

 |> Again, i'm not pointing a finger here, just want to know what i can 
 |> expect from
 |> those two milters and eventually understand why they behave the way 
 |> they do.
 |we all use beta software not fully tested in last 7 years :=)
 --End of <>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
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