

A detail first:
At http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#smtpd_delay_open_until_valid_rcpt please change "mail transaction ID" to "queue ID" for consistency here:
The downside is that rejected recipients are logged with NOQUEUE instead of a 
mail transaction ID.

Viktor's logfile collation tool:
Wow, sounds cool! But it isn't suited for real-time processing, or is it? If I pass every single line through rsyslog omprog, I don't have a file which I could hand over to the collation tool.

Your "leap in assumptions":
Yeah, that's exactly how I'm doing it :-)

Request DSN's from recipient servers:
I already tried this, but it's not really working in practice, since not all mailservers support DSN :-(

So coming back to my initial suggestion, after thinking some more about it:
Right now, the queue ID is just an arbitrary string. Why not let people add some meaning to it? Like prefixing all invoices with "inv", all newsletters with "news", etc.? This way, whenever somebody sees a queue ID (in some error message, or queue, or wherever) they'd immediately know which kind of mail it is. Since you're creating the queue ID only after `RCPT TO`, we have the sender's and the main recipient's address at hand - that would be enough to set up something like a `queue_id_prefix_map` :-)

BTW: Why don't you `enable_long_queue_ids` by default? Is there a performance downside? I mean: Nobody wants repeating queue ID's ;-)

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