my use case: I want to find out if outgoing messages were delivered
successfully, so I'm looking at the lines containing `status=` in the
But I need this only for some mails (not all). To find out, I have to query
the database for the Queue-ID. This step could be skipped if it would be
possible to prefix something like `foo.` to the Queue-ID.
(I know that there are other lines in the logfile with more details about
the mail, but putting all those lines together is probably taking more time
than the database query ;-)
Is it true that the Queue-ID is generated before Postfix receives the
message content? After which SMTP command?
This is vague for me, so im going to make a leap in assumptions.
First did you turn on enable_long_queue_ids to give you better uniqueness
since ID's will be important to you?
Then using omprog, first look for and match what conditions are important to
you for these "some, but not all" emails. Like is it only emails going to or
coming from x domain? Or contain a certain header which can be added to
If you find this match knowing this email is going to be one you want to
track then start a row in your database and add the queue_id to begin
tracking this email.
Then when you get to the status log line check the database if that queue_ID
exist, because it was flagged to track. If so update the DB with the status
(sent, deferred, failed). If that queue_id isn't in the DB then you don't
care about that status so disregard and carry on.
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