Wietse Venema via Postfix-users:
> > Could the last message "lost connection" report the queue id, so log parser 
> > would drop that queue id?
> No, but I do have a different suggestion.
> The queue ID is generated by the cleanup server. That server could
> log that a transaction is aborted. That would also signal an aborted
> transaction from non-SMTP sources such as the pickup daemon, or
> when smtpd process aborts in the middle of a transaction after some
> fatal or panic error condition.

Like this:

--- /var/tmp/postfix-3.10-20241027/src/cleanup/cleanup_api.c    2024-10-10 
18:15:18.000000000 -0400
+++ src/cleanup/cleanup_api.c   2024-11-04 12:04:12.957509801 -0500
@@ -354,6 +354,8 @@
            (void) REMOVE(vstring_str(cleanup_trace_path));
        if (REMOVE(cleanup_path))
            msg_warn("remove %s: %m", cleanup_path);
+       if (state->errs != 0)
+           msg_info("%s: canceled", state->queue_id);

Logging would look like:

        postfix/cleanup[pid] QUEUEID: canceled

This covers only transactions that are aborted by smtpd, pickup,
etc. This does not cover transactions that are aborted due to a
run-time fatal or panic condition in the cleanup server itself, or
because the cleanup server received a SIGTERM etc. signal.

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