Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users:
> Hello,
> When processing logs I have noticed that some queue IDs get reported by 
> smtpd when DATA phase starts, but when connection is lost, those IDs aren't 
> reported as lost.
> Example:
> Sep  2 16:51:11 mail postfix/smtps/smtpd[3697]: connect from 
> Sep  2 16:51:11 mail postfix/smtps/smtpd[3697]: 4WyBXH6Dp7z6C7g: 
>[178.41.x.y], sasl_method=LOGIN, sasl_username=redacted1
> Sep  2 16:51:11 mail postfwd2/policy[7072]: [RULES] rule=23, 
> id=GLOBAL-RATE-02, queue=4WyBXH6Dp7z6C7g,[178.41.x.y], 
> user=redacted1, sender=<>, 
> recipient=<>, helo=<redacted3>, proto=ESMTP, state=DATA, 
> rate=rate/D/0.00s, delay=0.01s, hits=GLOBAL-RATE-01;GLOBAL-RATE-02, 
> action=WARN GLOBAL rate limit of C messages in 1 hour exceeded [D hits]
> Sep  2 16:51:11 mail postfix/smtps/smtpd[3697]: 4WyBXH6Dp7z6C7g: warn: DATA 
> from[178.41.x.y]: GLOBAL rate limit of C messages in 1 hour 
> exceeded [D hits]; from=<> to=<> 
> proto=ESMTP helo=<redacted3>
> Sep  2 16:51:15 mail postfix/smtps/smtpd[3697]: lost connection after DATA (6 
> bytes) from[178.41.x.y]
> Could the last message "lost connection" report the queue id, so log parser 
> would drop that queue id?

No, but I do have a different suggestion.

The queue ID is generated by the cleanup server. That server could
log that a transaction is aborted. That would also signal an aborted
transaction from non-SMTP sources such as the pickup daemon, or
when smtpd process aborts in the middle of a transaction after some
fatal or panic error condition.

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