* Bill Cole via Postfix-users:
Some systems are configured to "oversign" headers, essentially signing
the non-existence.

On 24.07.24 02:11, Ralph Seichter via Postfix-users wrote:
Shhh! We don't want to advertise that in this scenario, do we? ;-)
Still, you are correct to point out that the DKIM spec allows for these
kinds of shenanigans.

in Debian/opendkim, only From: is oversigned, which is to prevent adding fake From: header which could confuse recipient and/or its MUA.

Any addition of headers that are oversigned will break a DKIM
signature. Some ill-advised systems oversign List-* headers on every

Ill-advised is putting it mildly. If one is messing with the headers
which make mailing lists work, but allows their users to subscribe to
mailing lists, one is more than a little cookoo.

looking at RFC 6376 secion 5.4.1, it recommends signing these headers.

However, together with comment above, it should be safe if you don't oversign them - I don't expect List-* header to appears in any mail sent to the list, and their appearance can indicate error.

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