* Austin Witmer via Postfix-users:

> Will DMARC be broken if I only add the following headers to mailing
> list messages? [...]

Adding *new* headers can't break existing DKIM signatures, because these
headers cannot have been signed before. New in this case means header
names (not values) which have not been present before.

> X-Mailinglist:
> List-Id:
> List-Unsubscribe: 
> List-Unsubscribe-Post:

If, for example, a user sends any of his messages with

  X-Mailinglist: yes please!

and also includes this header in his DKIM signature, you adding another
header with the same name or replacing the value can break the existing
signature. Headers with the 'X-' prefix are not standardised, so anybody
can use them willy-nilly. Will they do that? Possibly. Remember that
there are many weird people out there. ;-)

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