Ill be honest. I wasn't as successful as I let on because I noticed that I hadn't include mysql in the build and was up for hours trying to get the mysqlclient and header files. Ended up deleting that VM, started over using the bookworm releases instead.

I will give building another go later as I just want the email server up and running seeing, I lost access to the other one. My ISP changed its network topology which changed my home IP, the server only lets my old IP access SSH.

On 7/23/2024 4:52 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas via Postfix-users wrote:
The best on Debian is imho either using official backports, or manually backporting package by rebuilding version from newer debian manually
(and lowering local version by suffixing by e.g. ~local0)

That way the package is updated when new version appears in backports or system is upgraded.

Example: trixie has version 3.9.0-3, I would download it and rebuild as 3.9.0-3~local0

On 23.07.24 16:38, Cody Millard via Postfix-users wrote:
I wonder if OP could do the same in Ubuntu.

This requires
- installing packages like build-essential (and dependencies)
- having source lines (deb-src in addition to deb) in sources.list
- fetch postfix source files could be done by "apt-get build-dep postfix", but that applies to version in current system
- (optionally) changing version in debian/changes by using "dch"
- building postfix

I still recommend upgrading to newest OS (debian 12 or ubuntu 24 LTS) before doing this.

yeah, it requires kinda experienced admin, but it's doable.

And, of course, once you install that, all security fixes are up to you
- but, you can repeat process above easily.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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