We have been running without TLS for many years.  Some of the ISPs are
beginning to complain about not sending mail using TLS.  We enabled
outbound smtp as a result. Postfix receives email only from our
private network --  we do not use inbound smtpd_tls as a result.

Our main.cf contains:
      smtpd_tls_cert_file = <purchased certs we use with our website>
      smtpd_tls_key_file  = <key for above>
      smtpd_tls_security_level = none
      smtp_tls_security_level  = may

I used smtp_tls_loglevel = 1 to verify that everything is working.
The ISPs are no longer complaining about the lack of TLS.

We have used connection caching in the past so we added:
      * smtp_tls_connection_reuse=yes
      * uncommented tlsproxy / maxproc = 0 in master.cf
      * commented smtp_tls_loglevel -- no logging as a result

The outbound message transfer rate of our configuration is less than
500 emails per minute.  I noted the following:
      * we have four entries in master.cf for smtp -- each has a
unique ip address with maxproc=32; these are used with randmap{} in
      * queuing of inbound email is high
            * the inbound email queue contains over 3,000 emails
            * email average delay is over 400 seconds and 1,100
seconds for google.com where most of the email is delivered
      * htop shows
            * cpu utilization is low with Load average under 0.10 on
four physical processors and 4GB memory / 500MB used
            * only one tlsproxy process running -- the highest cpu
utilization process most of the time
            * 20 processes exist for each of our four ip address/smtp
entries in master.cf with maxproc=32

I am concerned that the queuing of inbound email is caused by there
only being one tlsproxy process. maxproc=0 seems to allow for an
unlimited number.  We seem to have plenty of smtp processes as postfix
is not starting more of them to reach the maxproc=32.

Thank you for your assistance with this, Greg
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