On 28.02.24 21:31, Scott Techlist via Postfix-users wrote:
As I understand from your explanation, if I keep my
        parent_domain_matches_subdomains = smtpd_access_maps
Then the preceding dot format is moot/not needed.  Only
        outbound.protection.outlook.com OK

I recommend keeping parent_domain_matches_subdomains empty and use .outbound.protection.outlook.com

other possibility is not to exempt client network but individual sender domains.

Of course, it's up to you.

I've updated my personal postfix manual, and added comments in my respective files as reminders, so as to not get them (client/sender) mixed up next time. The details you covered in-line were very helpful for me. Much appreciated.

And now with client checks, it's working as desired.

Note that you can put check_client_access to smtpd_sender_restrictions or
smtpd_recipient_restrictions so you'll have them at the same place.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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