On Friday, March 13, 2009 at 18:02 CET,
     Marcio Merlone <marcio.merl...@a1.ind.br> wrote:

> Long time since I last deployed a postfix server, and things used to be 
> much simpler. :) Now I have set a Ubuntu 8.04 server to work as an 
> anti-spam/anti-virus gateway. Messages will be sent to amavis via 
> transport_maps:
> domain.tld smtp:

Should be:

domain.tld smtp:[]:10024

> and amavis will deliver the message to the final destination via smtp, 
> instead to this gateway server. Is this ok or bad practice?

I don't think it matters much, but it does have the consequence that if
the downstream server is down, the messages will be run through
amavisd-new again and again since it doesn't have a queue of its own.

> Anyway, this seems to be working and the problem is that I want to 
> refuse mail for unknown users, so I made:
> alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
> relay_recipient_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldapusers.cf $alias_maps

Why list $alias_maps there? relay_recipient_maps is looked up with full
addresses and @example.com wildcards. alias_maps is looked up with bare
username. Besides, alias_maps doesn't even apply for relay domains, only
local domains.

> relay_domains = $transport_maps

This is not recommended. What would happen if you added another entry in
your transport table? Let's say hotmail.com required special handling.
Instant open relay!


> This way, messages to t...@domain.tld are refused as unknown user. Any
> hint on how to accomplish this? Meanwhile I'll keep searching Google, 
> but when searching for postfix, it comes with tons of results, will
> have to sort them all.

To apply aliases to relay domains use virtual aliases.

Magnus Bäck

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