Long time since I last deployed a postfix server, and things used to be
much simpler. :) Now I have set a Ubuntu 8.04 server to work as an
anti-spam/anti-virus gateway. Messages will be sent to amavis via
domain.tld smtp:
and amavis will deliver the message to the final destination via smtp,
instead to this gateway server. Is this ok or bad practice?
Anyway, this seems to be working and the problem is that I want to
refuse mail for unknown users, so I made:
alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
relay_recipient_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldapusers.cf $alias_maps
relay_domains = $transport_maps
ti: foo, fee, bar
ldapusers.cf points to my ldap server with my valid users, and works
just fine also. The problem is with alias_maps, wich is not recognized
as valid user, since:
r...@jupiter:/etc/postfix# postmap -q ti hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
foo, fee, bar
ok, but:
r...@jupiter:/etc/postfix# postmap -q t...@domain.tld
This way, messages to t...@domain.tld are refused as unknown user. Any
hint on how to accomplish this? Meanwhile I'll keep searching Google,
but when searching for postfix, it comes with tons of results, will have
to sort them all.
Thanks in advance and best regards.
Marcio Merlone