Ray(r...@stilltech.net)@Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 08:32:40PM -0700: > On Wednesday 04 March 2009 18:10:22 Bill Weiss wrote: (lots of content snipped for context) > > Have you tried getting a pcap while the mystery server is supposed to be > > sending you mail? > > Haven't done this yet, but I will try it. > Assuming that the connection isn't getting to me, what kind of things do I > check?
If bits are leaving one machine and not getting to another, you need to go step-by-step between them and see where they're getting lost. Check any host-based firewalls first, then your upstream router, then upstream of that... once you're lost in the internet (where you'll have less luck asking for tap information), ask the other side to do the same thing. Being able to point at the device and say "bits go in one side of this but they don't come out the other" means you're most of the way there. -- Bill Weiss What is it with the beard thing.. honestly. Give a man a beard and he thinks he rules the world... add sandals to that and suddenly they become a unix expert. -- Matt Hubbard