On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 09:28:18PM -0800, Linux Advocate wrote:

> > > Sorry. Allow me to rephrase, is there any setting in postfix (main.cf,
> > > master.cf) whereby we can increase the number of threads, memory usage
> > > ,etc to allow for higher concurrency?
> > 
> > 1500 users is not very many. You probably don't need higher than default
> > concurrency.
> > 
> >     http://www.postfix.org/TUNING_README.html
> 1500 users is not much? wow, how much users can a xeon dual processor box 
> with a RAID10 array, 8 gigs of ram handle. i would appreciate a rough 
> estimate?

Depends on how much content processing you force on the CPU. If it is
a webmail server, IMAP server, virus scanner, anti-spam filter, ... your
constraint will be CPU, and there won't be any idle cycles to use by
increasing concurrency.

If you don't design-in a lot of CPU demand, the MTA alone will easily
forward traffic for 10,000+ users with near default settings, provided
one has working recipient validation, and subscribes to a SpamHaus
data-feed for local zen.spamhaus.org lookups. With just 1500 users,
the public RBL mirrors may be sufficient.

I am guessing you are CPU constrained, and that tuning Postfix for higher
concurrency is not likely a good idea in that case.


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