On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, Charles Marcus wrote:

On 2/13/2009, Ralf Hildebrandt (ralf.hildebra...@charite.de) wrote:
I'm thinking it would be better to move the check_client_access check to
smtpd_client_restrictions, and the check_sender_access check to
smtpd_sender_restrictions, so I'd then have:

No, don't do it.

Ok... I do appreciate the response, but I'd be more comfortable with a
bit more of an explanation as to why...


Best regards,


I have one question to add to this thread, in the past it has always been up to the admin whether to put all beneath recipient restrictions (with the exception of SAV), is this still considered best-practice? Or should one follow Charles' method and put each set of checks under the approrpriate restriction class?


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