Hello list,

I recently found out an unsolicited e-mail that caused high CPU
consumption by cyrus imap on different mailstores.
The poisoned e-mail has a structure of over 31.000 repetiions of these
4 lines in the header

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
From: Magaly <ver...@club.com>
Reply-To: fdsafdsaf...@xxxxxx

The header lines are a bit less than 4 Megabytes.

I'm running postfix 2.4.5 as MX for the domain that received this
spam, and the only configuration line that seems to do some check
regarding the header size is in main.cf.default:

header_size_limit = 102400

Is there a way in postfix configuration to control the header size or
the max number of lines the header has ?
or do I need to write a content-filter ?

Thank you all in advance,


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