David Schraeder a écrit :
> Magnus Bäck wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 23:39 CET,
>>      David Schraeder <dav...@russellhospital.org> wrote:
>>> I just got this postfix server going a few days ago.  I have one
>>> person receiving some emails that are not address to him.  Yes they
>>> are spam and I am running spamassassin.  But looking at the headers
>>> it should not be delivered to the one person at all.  Here is
>>> an example header.
>> And this very message was addressed to postfix-users@postfix.org,
>> yet it was delivered to your mailbox.
>> Headers are not used for message delivery. The actual recipient
>> addresses are found in the message envelope.
>> [...]
> How do you view the message envelope then?

a copy was made by postfix in the headers:

Return-Path: <squabblinge...@guelman.ru>
Delivered-To: sco...@russellhospital.org

but as Magnus said, the definitive reference is in postfix logs
(messages may be modified after postfix delivers/forwards them, and the
Delivered-To header is optional).

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