On Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 23:48 CET,
     David Schraeder <dav...@russellhospital.org> wrote:

> Magnus Bäck wrote:
> > And this very message was addressed to postfix-users@postfix.org,
> > yet it was delivered to your mailbox.
> > 
> > Headers are not used for message delivery. The actual recipient
> > addresses are found in the message envelope.
> How do you view the message envelope then?

The envelope is by definition not part of the message. Your Postfix logs
will tell you what recipients the message had. You can easily find the
relevant log entries by grepping your maillog for the queue id, which is
found in the first Received: header added by your system. In this case
look at this header:

   Received: from TRXOMOPC (unknown [])
         by mail.russellhospital.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id
         Thu, 29 Jan 2009 14:32:44 -0600 (CST)

Grep your log for A5D9154C3A7.

Magnus Bäck

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