On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:12:57AM +0530, punit jain wrote:

> I  have a question regarding Flush daemon. I have set fast_flush_domains to
> one of my local virtual domain i have hosted.

This is almost never needed. The only domains for which you are likely
to have a large deferred queue are remotely delivered "relay_domains".

> If i look into flush directory
> i find domain file with listing of queue files. The problem is i don't have
> any mails in queue directory but still domain file in flush directory  shows
> queue files listing. How to remove these stale entries? Would it mean if i
> run sendmail -qRdomain it will try delivering those queue files which would
> waste CPU cycles ?

- Don't list domains unnecessarily in fast_flush_domains.

- Don't look under the hood unless you know what you are looking at.

The "stale" entries are removed in due course. Keeping the list "fuzzy"
is more efficient than keeping it accurate at all times.


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