* Payne <pa...@magidesign.com>:
> I am a bit slow on this, I got a client that won't let me change the way  
> mail working, but they want me to set up SMTP Authentication. How can I  

They want your mailserver to send SMTP Authentication data to their server?

> do it so it work without cyrus or dovecot. I question what is the very  

You don't need cyrus or dovecot to setup SMTP Authentication.

> simple way of doing. Everything I have seen from goolge to  
> howtoforge.com wants me to install like imap.

I believe this is a misunderstanding.

Please be more specific about what you are required to do and we will help you
plan the configuration, set it up and debug it, if necessary.


The Book of Postfix
saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

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