On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 04:40:08PM -0500, Payne wrote:

> I am a bit slow on this, I got a client that won't let me change the way 
> mail working, but they want me to set up SMTP Authentication.

What does "change the way mail working" mean?

> How can I 
> do it so it work without cyrus or dovecot.

You don't need a Cyrus or Dovecot IMAP server. Mail storage does not
need to change. Don't confuse Cyrus SASL with Cyrus IMAP.

Likewise, don't confuse the dovecot authentication service with Dovecot
IMAP. You don't have to make use of the IMAP mailboxes in order to make
use of dovecot auth. But, you likely to have to install the dovecot
IMAP software and leave most of it dormant.

> I question what is the very 
> simple way of doing. Everything I have seen from goolge to 
> howtoforge.com wants me to install like imap.

Cyrus SASL is a bunch of shared libraries and config files, no need for
an IMAP server.


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