Johan Andersson wrote:

I have been thinking about this way as well, although, the discussion around keeping a central database for all MTA's have me wondering...

In the protocol, when a host is asked to retry later... .i.e. gets the "451 4.7.1 Please try again later" response... Will it the retry go to the same host or do a new MX/DNS lookup to resolve the mailaddress?

That's software-dependent, although most will do a new lookup.

With six MTA's on roundrobin, if it does a new lookup it could be a long time before it hits the same host again.

That's one of the reasons why you really need a central db if you have multiple MX servers.

With a central DB this is solved, but then we got a SPOF instead... :-/ which must be handle by the GL software...

It is a single point of failure, yes, but no more so than if you only had one MX server in the first place. If your reason for having multiple MX servers is primarily load balancing, rather than to improve resilience, then having a single greylisting db isn't a major issue. You can always configure things so that the MX servers simply bypass greylisting if the service is unavailable rather than defer or reject mail. All that means, then, is that you'll get more spam if the greylisting server is ever offline. But that's a temporary issue and, in any case, is no worse than not having greylisting at all.

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