On Wednesday 01 October 2008 00:28:37 Stephen Holmes wrote:
> Wietse Venema wrote
> > If root can do "cat /etc/postfix/mysql/virtual-mailbox-maps.cf"
> > but the Postfix virtual delivery agent running as root can open
> > the file, then you have something that interferes with file system
> > access, like Selinux, Apparmor, Systrace, and so on. Configuring
> > such systems is outside the scope of Postfix.
> >
> >     Wietse
> Thanks Wietse.  It's a pretty slim install (actually inside a Xen VM)
> and running at init level 3 - it's primary function is as an email
> server (hence the mailboxes on an NFS share).  I'll check the filesystem
> and process persmissions and see if I can track it down.  Definitely no
> AppArmor/SE Linux involved.  Will let you know if I solve it.   Thanks
> again!

You said earlier that you were running CentOS 5.2. As per a standard install, 
SELinux defaults to ON.

If it is on (/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled returns 1 if its on, 0 if its disabled), 
you have two choices:

1) Disable SELinux

Edit /etc/sysconfig/selinx and change:

or      SELINUX=disabled

Then reboot and retry.

2) Fix your SELinux context on /etc/postfix/mysql/

If you use "ls -laZ /etc/postfix" I suspect you will see that the config files 
are "system_u:object_r:postfix_etc_t" and any scripts 
are "system_u:object_r:postfix_exec_t". I suspect your /etc/postfic/mysql 
directory is neither.

Reset your SELinux context on that directory with:

        chcon -R system_u:object_r:postfix_etc_t /etc/postfix/mysql


Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
Senior Systems Engineer
QinetiQ Applied Technologies
GPG Key: http://www.linux-corner.info/mwatts.gpg

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