Wietse Venema wrote:
> Stephen Holmes:
>>>> mail postfix/virtual[1063]: fatal: open 
>>>> /etc/postfix/mysql/virtual-mailbox-maps.cf: Permission denied
> ...
>> When I see this
>> error, is it referring to (a) access to the .cf file itself or (b)
>> access to the folder galloping.com/stephen (with /vmail prefixed) ?
> The error message is for the file name in the error message.
> If /etc/postfix/mysql/virtual-mailbox-maps.cf is a symlink into
> some other file system that still restricts root privileges, then
> the real file name will be different.
Hmm, then it gets stranger. /etc/postfix/mysql/virtual-mailbox-maps.cf
is a file in the local file system, as are the postfix binaries and in
fact the /var/spool/postfix queues.  All that's hosted on the remote NFS
server is the actual user mailboxes.  The MySQL files are root
accessible, as are the other postfix files in /etc.  The dovecot agent
has no problems, so I guess my question is what persmissions are
required for the mysql .cf files, and the /vmail folder.

I know this environment is "mine" and possibly strange (though I see no
reason why hosting potentially large mailboxes on remote storage NAS/SAN
etc would be strange), but is there are way to enable more verbose
debugging to nail this one?

Thanks for your help thus far - I'm definitely getting the hang of this
stuff ;-)

s  t  e  p  h  e  n     h  o  l  m  e  s

 cell: +353 86 833 5027
 web: http://www.gallopinggreen.com

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