Hello list,

In the moment our mailtraffic is handled by four mailgateways which are 
reachable through one round-robin dns-mx record. Each gateway runs postfix, 
amavisd, spamassassin and clamav. The four gateways handle 2.8 millions 
connections a day.
My employee likes to replace the gateways with some new machines, but we are 
not sure how we should organise the new servers. That's why I'm asking here, 
I hope to profit from your experiences.

I can think of the following cases:
1) Run 2 servers with postfix only, which passing the message to 2 to 4 
servers which run amavisd, spamassassin, clamav. 
Advantage: Easy to extend to handle more load, no problem with loadbalancing 
the postfix servers
Disadvantage: overkill, you need 6 server to process the same max. load as in 
the present setup with 4 servers.

2) Run 2 servers with postfix, amavisd, spamassassin, clamav and 2 servers 
with only amavisd, spamassassin and clamav. Postfix will pass the messages to 
one of the four amavisd servers.
Advantage: no problem with loadbalancing the postfix servers, best usage of 
resources (I guess)
Disadvantage: hard to loadbalancing the amavisd server/processes. 

3) Keep the actual server organisation: 4 servers with postfix, amavisd, 
spamassassin, clamav.
Advantage: Known configuration, easy to extend
Disadvantage: problem with loadbalancing

I like to hear some comments, especially if someone know other possibilities 
to organize the servers and has maybe also some experiences to tell.

Thanks for your patience with these offtopic topic (and my bad English).


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