On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 8:24 AM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar
<sudhanwa....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Before buying, check hardware devices from the specs and see compatibility
> with your favourite distro. Most of the latest distros do have support for
> the current devices.

+1 I have found most laptop hardware supported by pretty much all the
distros.  Plus, the vendors keep changing internal components, keeping
the external features the same.  So a 6 month old Model X and it's
latest incarnate could be different.

Over the years, I have bought quite a few laptops typically on the
spur of the moment because of limited time good deal offers.  It is
safe to go with Intel chipsets for all the peripheral devices.

The key thing is to install the *latest* version of your favourite
distro and on rare occasions, you may have to build the latest kernel
for native driver support for particular device.

> Don't count on your vendor for any Linux support. Do it on your own or
> through forums like PLUG.

+1 But first search for solutions to your problems using your
favourite search engine and then seek help with specifics of what you
have tried.

-- Arun Khan
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