Hi Gaurav, --- On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Gaurav Pant <gaurav...@gmail.com> wrote: | But there was a recent issue relating to some Leneovo laptops which | will not allow Linux to be installed, \--
It is probably due to the confidentiality agreement with the OS vendor. I did have a look at the Yoga series, but, I was not for it for many reasons. * Pay for Windows OS. * Even thought the laptops are light-weight, I am not sure on the quality of the hinges on the Yoga series. Any mechanical, moving parts can become unreliable. * They all have glossy screens. * Some of them have only micro-HDMI. * For a similar price, the E series gives good computing power, with an option to install any OS of your choice. Regards, SK -- Shakthi Kannan http://www.shakthimaan.com _______________________________________________ plug-mail mailing list plug-mail@plug.org.in http://list.plug.org.in/listinfo/plug-mail