Hi Dnyaraj

Thanks for the information.
I now come to know that where I fell short while convincing that canteen guy.

But now let us keep this case aside and focus on what Mayuresh has said.

>>Costs don't help win users over a sufficiently long period of time. One
>>reason could be piracy. But look at the count of great many people who do
>>pay for it - either through a branded computer purchase or from market and
>>also the corporate entities.
>>Leave the pirates, what can FOSS community to do to attract these people
>>to whom cost is not an issue (as they are willing to pay)?
>>The rest will follow.

What should we and foss do in such cases.

once again I have case to discuss (.. do not get angry as I have many more 
cases to discuss. :) )

Engineering colleges use matlab & rationalrose software in their academics(..as 
everybody knows this).
and there are very few colleges who are accepting the free and open source 
alternative of matlab & rational rose.
What is the thing about rest of the colleges?
When we raised this issue in our college, our administration said that when 
they are ready to pay then why we should worry about this issue.

And also as they are ready to pay for the software they are not ready to change 
their systems(.. I mean to say that install Linux on large no of pc) for the 
Free and Open Source Software.

Vinayak D. Kulkarni

--- On Thu, 30/9/10, Dnyanraj Mali <dnyanraj.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Dnyanraj Mali <dnyanraj.m...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [PLUG] FOSS Activity and Non-Technical People
To: "Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List" <plug-mail@plug.org.in>
Date: Thursday, 30 September, 2010, 6:27 PM

Dear Vinayak,

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Vinayak Kulkarni <
kulkarnivd2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> Despite of telling all the advantages of Linux and FOSS software (.. so
> called Freedom)(..I know I am rude here) to him, he refused and said that he
> will go with XP+Hotel mgmt software which he has seen in his mate's canteen.

According to me, this is wrong way of promoting any FOSS application, That
person liked the software because he 'saw' the software not because it is
This person does not have anything to do with XP or Linux..
If you would have shown him some Open Source Hotel Management Software on
nicely configured Ubuntu like Desktop (May be you could use a WinXP like
theme for Ubuntu), he would have happily used the software..

Some people have heard some things about linux that 'it is difficult', 'no
GUI', 'Only Command
 Line interface' and bla bla bla.. Due to this people are
negative about it..

> Mechanical people ask us whether their favorite software AutoCAD works in
> Linux or not.
> I told them regarding other Free and Open Source Alternative to AutoCAD,
> but they were not interested to listen that.
> There comes the 'Limitation' (.. what I was talking about in the last
> post).

Yes i agree that there are limitations in using proprietary softwares like
mechanical industry softwares & some multimedia softwares.. But you might be
happy to know that some of these companies are launching or have already
launched their s/w version for Linux. e.g. Unigraphics (UGS is PLM s/w) is a
popular s/w (now it belongs to Siemens) has its linux version

> Regards
> Vinayak D Kulkarni
> (Col_VIN)
> _______________________________________
> Pune
 GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List

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