On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Vinayak Kulkarni < kulkarnivd2...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> (.. mostly all of them use pirated copies of the software). > They are more comfortable with that. > You have some wrong interpretation of Free Software in mind.. Its "Free" as in Freedom not "Free Of Cost" > > The case which I have described above, may not be applicable to large or > middle scale industries, but personals which work at low level, like > Doctors, Departmental Stores, Medical Stores. > The end users (like doctors, stores etc.. ) they are high level users from computer point of view they are just using services, not bothered about what is happening in side that box. But they do understand problems of closed source e.g. frequent blue screen, virus problems, software ones developed by some local vendor cannot be changed or upgraded after 4/5 years by any other person & the company is disappeared etc.. > The condition I described above, does not mean that I am against FOSS. But > I think, I have expressed whatever I wanted. > You might not be against FOSS but you certainly have some mis-concepts in mind.. this group will certainly help in understanding them clearly.. (I hope I am not sounding rude.. if yes plz ignore the rudeness :) ) Keep posting.. So that FOSS spreads.. :) > > > Regards, Dnyanraj _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List