On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Rahul Sundaram
> Arun Khan wrote:
>> Sure, we can write bug reports on these but should not they have been caught 
>> during unit/integration testing?  These are basic HMI issues.
> Unit/integration testing? How many projects do you think has any of
> those? Do check how many major projects have anything resembling that
> and you will be in for a surprise. It is to a large extend based on
> testing from end users that these projects get to the point where they
> are.  Maybe that should be different but it isn't the reality at the
> moment.  Every major DE rewrite has been a disaster of sorts. GNOME
> 2.0/KDE 2.0 was not really any different. I would agree that messaging
> might have been a bit more clear from the upstream project for this
> release but that doesn't change what we are left with at this point.
> Rahul

I have to agree with the assessment above w.r.t  testing
Most projects have code testing in place but usability testing is something
more easily done by releasing a beta, which is what KDE4 seems like
currently. A considerably stable beta.

It'll be a while before most kde3 based projects catch on to the new and shiny.
more importantly qt4.

While we could gripe as much as we want it certainly helps filing
smaller , verifiable bug-reports to get the fixes / changes we want in there.

That brings me to the question -
how easy is that, exactly, in KDE4 ?


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