On Saturday 30 Aug 2008, Rahul Sundaram wrote: > Arun Khan wrote: > > Sure, we can write bug reports on these but should not they have > > been caught during unit/integration testing? These are basic HMI > > issues. > > Unit/integration testing? How many projects do you think has any of > those?
The two specific items I listed should have been apparent to the developer of the KDE4 Time/Date applet for the panel. > Do check how many major projects have anything resembling that > and you will be in for a surprise. It is to a large extend based on > testing from end users that these projects get to the point where > they are. Agree that such projects do not have the resources to do extensive testing of all it's nuances but I would expect the developer to test the obvious ones. Developers just writing the code and releasing it - for unstable/alpha/ may be acceptable for alpha/beta but not in released versions. > Maybe that should be different but it isn't the reality at > the moment. Every major DE rewrite has been a disaster of sorts. > GNOME 2.0/KDE 2.0 was not really any different. But expectations have changed at least for me. > I would agree that > messaging might have been a bit more clear from the upstream project > for this release but that doesn't change what we are left with at > this point. IMO, there was hype when KDE 4.0 was released - leading to expectations. I personally bought into the hype as I have been a KDE user for more than a decade. I am still using KDE 3.5 apps but now under a GNOME environment. -- Arun Khan -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.