You need to realize that unless a kde-centric distribution like
kubuntu/mandriva include kde4 as default, it has not matured enough
for prime time usage. Most of the experiences here are probably based
on optional installation of kde4. So you are "trying" it out which is
good, but that shouldn't be your criteria for judging to use kde4 or
not imho. I wouldn't be using kde4 as my default desktop till kubuntu
comes out with it as default.

Also, kde4 was released under the release early - release often model
and was clearly mentioned as not for production use (hence no
distribution picked it up as default). 4.1 I heard is more stable.

Kde4 is a major rewrite and brings a fresh new look/feel to the
desktop which I think was really needed. Like any fresh release, we
need to wait a while for it to stabilize. Eventually everyone will be


On 8/30/08, Rahul Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Arun Khan wrote:
>> Developers just writing the code and releasing it  - for unstable/alpha/
>> may be acceptable for alpha/beta but not in released versions.
> Bugs are going to be carried over to released version unless many people
> test and report feedback.
>> IMO, there was hype when KDE 4.0 was released - leading to expectations.
>> I personally bought into the hype
> End users falling for hype is indeed a issue.
>  > A curious question - how come popular distros shipped KDE 4 in spite
>  > of its condition ? What if people switch distros (as i did) because
> of > it ? Won't it hurt their popularity ?
> Maybe it will but all major distributions include it for various
> reasons. A important one is the "release early, release often" strategy
> that is critical for upstream projects reaching a maturity level.  For
> Fedora, the reason is outlined in
> If you don't want the latest versions, sticking to a older (but
> maintained) release is a option.
> Rahul
> --
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