On Tuesday 24 Jun 2008, ഓം wrote: > I wanted to clear a doubt about usual propoganda of buying genuine > and original software that many people tend to hear when they are > switching to Linux from Windows world...
I have never heard of "Genuine" RHEL or Novell/SuSE or <name the distro> in all the years I have used Linux (from 1995). Although the incumbent desktop majority holder does use the word but it is in the context of lic. v/s unlic. versions. IMO, nothing to do with the source being the original, the binary derived .... yaddi, yaddi, yadda (your original post) Honestly, your posts are convoluted and I feel lost by the time I have read the last sentence :( Please simplify your message if you want to get your point across. Over the years I have learnt that you need to talk in the language that your audience understands o/w no point. > Usually I end up spending 15 minutes telling people about how it is > perfectly legal to copy Linux OS (distribution) and that costs me my > time. So sending such mail once in a while ensures any new comers > become aware of such nontrivial trivialities!! Good point but ensure your message is understood by the recipient, o/w your effort goes to 0. > It's interesting to > note that most Linux veterans develop lack of such passion once they > cross certain level... Not necessarily, one learns to channel our time/energy into actionable items and promote/advocate open source where there is a chance of it succeeding. Speaking for myself, I don't pursue leads that simply keep asking for information and are not willing to do a pilot (at a min.). -- Arun Khan -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.